Sharpen Your Gift – The Challenge

Sharpen Your Gift – The Challenge

One sunny day, a father and his son are on their way to cut some wood in the forest. Along the way, the young man challenged his father about who among the two of them can chop more wood at the end of the day. The father accepted his son’s challenge with a good intention of teaching his son a very important life lesson. So both the father and son took up their positions in a different part of the forest and started chopping away, and the forest was filled with wood chopping noise.

Why Your Hardship Will Take You to the Next Level in 2020

Why Your Hardship Will Take You to the Next Level in 2020

So as we plunge forward into this new year, this is an important time to reflect back on the losses, heartbreaks, downswings, failures, struggles, and hardships that you went through in 2019. This hardship will be the key to taking your life to the next level in 2020. These setbacks, and everything you’ve gained from them, will be your stepping-stones to your greatness.